
About Us

The life, world and space of business brings an unlimited number of choices.

There are uncountable amounts of styles, cultures, habits, rules and principles. Our business model has always been harmonious.

We believed that work order, closeness with our clients, and unity within the company are keys to success. We weren’t wrong.

The foundation of our company are comprehensive marketing services. It wouldn’t be possible without our clients. It’s their success that creates Harmonic.

We believe in choice. That is why we put emphasis on qualities which give our clients stability in their development, universal worldwide quality, and honest business relations.

How we work:

Quality of work defines our good customer relations. It is our customers that show us, what we have been doing is right. For us, everyone has their own personality, every project has its own path. Only the pillars which are quality and relations remain unchanged.

Our vision

From the beginning of our cooperation we have been searching, for that what is outstanding and unique in our customer’s products. We search for new solutions, but also proven and effective ones. We are constantly learning and growing our business.

It has been seven years since we started our undertaking. Since then we have evolved into a thriving company that knows everything about marketing and building an image. That is why we educate young and ambitious people from our industry as part of our Talent Academy.

Our company is the way that our clients imagined they’d like it. They have always been our biggest inspiration. Our clients motivate us to take on new challenges and cause Harmonic to be the biggest challenge in the future, yours and ours. Common road to success.


Our references and publications

Leila Isainowa - Klimasińska Browar Lubicz

The specialists from Harmonic demonstrated great commitment and support, even in matters beyond the scope of our agreement. That proves their professional approach and quality of service of the highest level.

Agnieszka Wiąk Eurial sp. z o.o.

The company brings together creative people that are very energetic. Cooperating with them is both fruitful and fascinating. They have a knack for understanding what a customer needs and they do a great job of finding means to satisfy those needs.

Bartłomiej Sikorski Winning Moves co Ltd

Great team of people whom it is a pleasure to work with on every stage of planning and executing a project. They exhibited experience and great knowledge of the market and business environment.

  • Young creative business people

    Działania CSR kluczem do sukcesu? Aby przedsiębiorstwa mogły się rozwijać i zwiększać zakres swojej oferty, powinny inwestować nie tylko w działania, które przynoszą zyski, ale także w te obszary, które zaspokajają potrzeby społeczne, a dodatkowo mogą poprawić wizerunek firmy i [...]


See who has already trusts us

  • KMC- Services
  • Ekoconsultant
  • Bolesławiec City Center
  • The Secret Soap Store
  • CompuGroup Medical
  • Domodi
  • Browar Lubicz
  • Monopoly
  • Witek Centrum Hotelowo-Konferencyjne
  • Ministerstwo Środowiska
  • Hotel Kossak
  • Termy Szaflary
  • Merci Chef !
  • Incola
  • Makaron wielicki
  • Enova
  • Sami Swoi
  • Katarek
  • Nowy Styl
  • Isover
  • Castrol
  • Badura
  • Douglas

We are here to grow your business

Keep in touch

Agencja Harmonic
ul. T. Szafrana 5B/77
30-363 Kraków

+48 884 999 664

Contact one of our experts

Schedule a meeting

Schedule a meeting


Administratorem Twoich Danych Osobowych jest firma Marta Zięba HarmoniquePR z siedzibą w Szerzynach, 307, 38-246 Szerzyny.
Przetwarzam Twoje Dane Osobowe w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na zapytanie zadane przez Ciebie w formularzu kontaktowym. Podstawą prawną przetwarzania jest mój prawnie uzasadniony interes jako Administratora Twoich danych w postaci prowadzenia komunikacji z użytkownikami Serwisu – art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO.
Dane będą przechowywane przez okres 6 miesięcy od dnia ostatniej korespondencji.
Jako osobie, do której należą Dane, przysługuje Ci prawo żądania dostępu do Danych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu względem przetwarzania, prawo przenoszenia swoich danych oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Podanie przez Ciebie danych jest dobrowolne, ale konieczne do tego, by móc odpowiedzieć na Twoje zapytanie.

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